It's this sexy guys birthday today!
Thank you for making us laugh and not take ourselves or our drama too seriously.
Thank you for all of your "funny things" that keep these kids laughing.
Thank you for making it important to play together and enjoy being a family.
We work hard and we play hard.
I have a tendency to forget and you are always there to remind me to be a mother first -
everything else second. You are a great Dad.
Thank you for being gentle and taking time for each of us. My heart wasn't the only one you stole.
This little girl will never be the same.
Thank you for being willing to except me and to become insta-dad.
Thank you for taking us all to the temple and for our regular visits back.
Thank you for being a spiritual leader in our home.
Pretty much this is how I feel about you and the fact that it's your birthday!
Happy Birthday Honey!
Thank you for all you do to make our family and our marriage a success!
Thank you for trying so hard to get it right all the time.
I love you!
Such a beautiful family!!! So happy that you have found such a great man, Am! ;)